Who doesn’t love a feel good, pop dance track in the middle of November? This new single from the amazing Jane Henderson has just woken us all up this week and what is a damp and dull week in Dublin, this track is bringing us some summer vibes!
Jane Henderson (Blantyre) is a power house! She has the huge diva voice, glowing personality and is unapologetically herself! But that was not always the case.
Throughout her life, she was told she was too fat to make it, not pretty enough and that she didn’t fit the mould. Whatever it was, it was always someone else’s negative opinion and it had been holding her back. However, now Jane is about to break that mould into a million pieces…
Jane’s second single ‘FREE’ is a beautiful emotional pop/dance track that highlights everything that is going on in the world right now. The restrictions of the coronavirus as well as the restrictions of how people think and treat the world and others. It’s a song to remind us to love one another without judgement and that when you make a decision to unite, life will always be better. She wants to inspire people to be themselves and never give up on a dream, especially in music.
Jane quotes “I’m 36 and after singing all my life I’m finally releasing my original songs. It took this long because I did listen to what people said to me and about me. I was always told I couldn’t do it, until I realized: Why not? This is my life, and my dream. We can be anything we want to be and should never let other people hold us back”.
What makes this extra special is the song was written in Los Angeles by childhood best friend Cameron Neilson (Alloa). The pair met aged 15 at College and have shared every high and low that life has had to offer! Cameron most recently completed the role as Music Supervisor for the feature movie “The Shuroo Process” executive produced by Zachary Quinto.
Check out the single now at:
And follow Jane’s new music and career on:
Amazing song free jane well done to another great song. Totally love ur singing